Cats are adorable. Independent, graceful, clean and subtle! They’re a great companion to have as they bring joy and an ample amount of love to our lives. But all is not that hunky-dory. Along with love and happiness, what they also bring is a bit of worry about their protection against various parasites. Fleas, ticks, heartworms, gut worms, and mites are only a few of them. These are not just insects; they are as harmful as any parasite can get, well capable of causing grave illnesses to our felines.
To shield our furballs, what we need is powerful protection. But which is that ‘powerful’ protection? When you have a lot on your plate, it kind of gets difficult to choose one out of them. This is why we have short-listed a couple of highly effective feline parasitic treatments in the form of Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo and have prepared a detailed comparison to help you get out of this. Read through to learn more.

Revolution Plus & Nexgard Combo – A Glance
Revolution Plus is a topical broad-spectrum treatment for 8 weeks and older kittens and cats, weighing 2.8 lbs or more. A single dose of Revolution Plus protects cats against fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, ear mites and intestinal worms including roundworms and hookworms for one month.
Nexgard Combo is a spot-on formula, recommended for 8 weeks and older kittens and cats that protects against a variety of parasites including fleas, ticks, heartworms, roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms.
Similarities between Revolution Plus & Nexgard Combo
Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo have a few similar features in them. Here’s what they share:
Standard Age
Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo have identical age criteria for their use. Both these treatments can be administered to kittens from 8 weeks of age.
Administration, Form of Treatment & Longevity
Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo both are formulated in a topical liquid form that should be administered topically on the cat’s skin, once every month.
Flea, Heartworm & Black-legged tick Protection
Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo both prevent heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. Either of these treatments is equivalently effective in killing adult fleas and treating and controlling black-legged tick infestations.
Protection against Common Intestinal Worms
Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo both treat and control intestinal roundworm and hookworm infections for one month.
Differences between Revolution Plus & Nexgard Combo
Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo don’t have everything in common. Here’s how they differ from each other:
Revolution Plus contains selamectin and sarolaner as active ingredients. Nexgard Combo is composed of esafoxolaner, eprinomectin and praziquantel.
Weight Criterion
The minimum weight to administer Revolution Plus to cats is 2.8 lbs and it is 1.8 lbs for Nexgard Combo.
Uncommon Tick Protection
Other than black-legged ticks, Revolution Plus protects against Gulf Coast ticks and American dog ticks; whereas Nexgard Combo protects against Lone star ticks.
Ear Mites and Tapeworms
Revolution Plus treats and controls ear mite infestations. On the other hand, Nexgard Combo is indicated for the treatment and control of tapeworm infections.
Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo – Comparison Table
The table below exhibits a detailed comparison of Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo product features:
Revolution Plus & Nexgard Combo : Summary
In general, Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo both are broad-spectrum monthly treatments for cats, meaning both of them protect felines against a variety of parasites for one month.
When it comes to fleas, heartworms, black-legged ticks, roundworms and hookworms, Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo are equally effective. Along with these parasites, if you want to protect your cats against lone star ticks and tapeworms, Nexgard Combo is the one for you. In addition to the insects mentioned earlier, if Gulf Coast ticks, American dog ticks and ear mites are threats to your felines, go for Revolution Plus.
Regardless of the treatment you decide to use on your cat, consult with a veterinarian first.
Revolution Plus & Nexgard Combo – Common Questions
Q. Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo are same?
A. No. Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo contain different sets of ingredients and they both are produced by different manufacturers. Although they both offer protection against a few similar parasites, their mode of action is different from each other.
Q. Which treatment is better, Revolution Plus or Nexgard Combo?
A. It is almost impossible to say which treatment is better than the other as both Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo have different compositions and unalike action mechanisms.
For protection against fleas, heartworms, black-legged ticks, roundworms and hookworms, both Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo get equal points. In addition, Nexgard Combo protects against lone star ticks and tapeworms, whereas Revolution Plus takes care of American dog ticks, Gulf Coast ticks and ear mites. So, it comes down to your pet’s specific needs as to which one out of the two suits them more.
Q. Can Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo be used together on a cat?
A. No. Revolution Plus and Nexgard Combo are broad-spectrum treatments, meaning they offer protection against multiple parasites in a single dose. Using both these treatments at the same time may cause an overdose of a parasiticide required for protection against a specific species of insect resulting in moderate to severe adverse reactions to your cat.
Q. Which treatment is more expensive, Revolution Plus or Nexgard Combo?
A. The price of any feline treatment is determined by various elements such as their composition, freight, utilities, offered protection, etc. Revolution Plus protects cats against fleas, ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, Gulf Coast tick), heartworm disease, ear mites and gastrointestinal worms including roundworms and hookworms. BudgetPetWorld offers this all-in-one treatment at extremely reasonable prices.
Nexgard Combo is effective against fleas, ticks (black-legged tick, lone star tick), roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and prevents heartworm disease. If you want to buy this broad-spectrum formula at discounted prices, visit BudgetPetWorld now.