Every cat parent wants to have a fulfilling time with their feline companions and what’s better than having a meal together? We all know sharing is caring but is it safe to make your cat eat what you’re having? Do you want your kitty to enjoy human foods but confused as to which foods can be given to them?
In this blog, we have shared a list of human foods that you can safely serve to your cat and let them enjoy the goodness of tasty food along with the assurance of their overall well-being.

Human foods cats can enjoy
Here is a list of foods you can safely share with your feline friend.
Cats can enjoy certain fruits but only in limited quantities as fruits are high in natural sugar which can lead to insulin spikes. However, if given in small amounts, fruits can be a healthy option as they are rich in vitamins and fiber. Make sure to remove any seed or peel before serving it to your kitty to prevent chewing or swallowing difficulties.
Apples can be an ideal snack for your cat as they are loaded with vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Remove the peel and seeds before feeding as they contain cyanide which can be toxic for cats.
Bananas are a perfect blend of potassium, fiber and other nutrients that can provide sufficient energy to your kitty. Avoid feeding in large quantities as they can lead to digestive issues.
Watermelon is filled with water and vitamins A, B and C that help in keeping your kitty hydrated and healthy. However, remove the seeds and rind to prevent any gastrointestinal issues.
Blueberries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and fibers that act as a healthy, low-calorie snack for cats. Blueberries also help protect cells from oxidative damage.
Strawberries are full of fiber, potassium and vitamin C, proving to be a refreshing, low-calorie treat for cats. They help strengthen your cat’s immune system. Avoid overfeeding as it can lead to digestive issues or weight gain.
Pineapple is loaded with vitamin C, manganese and potassium that boost immune and digestive health. Make sure you remove the skin and hard parts to avoid choking.
Cats rely on vitamins and minerals for their everyday energy and nutritional requirements. Therefore, vegetables rich in nutrients can be safely administered to cats. Vegetables are low in calories which help prevent obesity.
Cucumbers are rich in magnesium, vitamin C and K which aids in digestion. Moreover, cucumbers contain high water content and keep your kitty hydrated. Peel the cucumber properly before feeding it to your cat.
Carrots contain beta-carotene. It is a great supplement for your cat’s eyes and coat. Make sure to feed your kitty cooked carrots as the raw ones can cause choking.
Lettuce contains folate, fiber, high water content, and vitamins A and K which help provide essential nutrients to cats.
Broccoli is full of antioxidants that enhance bowel movements and help in reducing free radicals from your cat’s body. Try feeding steamed broccoli to your cat.
Oats are high in fiber, protein, amino acids and iron which help in providing sufficient energy for the day and improve the overall health of your cat. Consider feeding oatmeal cooked in water.
Cooked meat & fish
Cats love meat as well as fish as they are obligate carnivores. Meat is rich in animal protein and amino acids which is extremely nutritious for cats. Fish contains fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and acts as the bone and joint health supporter for cats.
However, make sure you feed cooked meat without any sauces to prevent any digestive problems. Remove bones from the fish to avoid choking or intestinal injuries. Always serve cooked fish and cut it into small pieces.
Scrambled eggs
Eggs are a great source of protein and can be easily digested by your cat. Always feed scrambled or boiled eggs to your cat instead of raw ones as they contain various bacteria such as coli, salmonella, etc.
Final Words
As a responsible pet parent, it is essential to satisfy your cat’s taste as well as nutritional requirements. Striking a balance between taste and health is a real task and picking out the human foods that are safe for cats is definitely not an easy job. Consider the eatables we have compiled in this blog to provide both delicious and safe delights to your feline companions. Whatever you feed them, make sure you give it in moderation and consult the vet in case of any confusion.