You never know when fleas jump on your pet and suck their blood. But, it is a duty of the pet owners to protect their furry friend from becoming a home of fleas with the best flea medication. And this is where the revolution comes to help you for keeping your dog or cat protected.
It is an effective once-a-month treatment that not just prevents flea and tick infestations but also protects your dogs or cats from other external parasites.
Here’s how:
FDA approved Revolution is the most admired and widely recommended topical parasiticide in the market. Along with easy to use aspect, it provides month-long protection from various parasite infections in cats and dogs. Its active ingredient – Selamectin has great ability to kill adult fleas, ticks, immature heartworm, as well as eliminate flea eggs before they even hatch, and control tick infestations. Moreover, ear mites can be also controlled and treated by this product.
Now let’s take a glance on some key points that make Revolution a must have product for your furry friend:
1. Once-a-month Dosing:

If you want to reduce the chances of flea infestation, you should apply the first dose of Revolution one month before the start of the flea season. It is used either year-around or only during the flea season. However, vets recommend to use year round to lower the risk of flea infestations. The dose is given on the basis of weight; so consult a reliable vet to determine the exact amount.
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Monthly use of Revolution keeps your Dog or Cat safe and healthy in indoor and outdoor living environments. Interestingly, you may get the stickers on this product that might help you to remember the next application date by attaching it on your calendar.
2. All-in-one Prevention:

It is more effective treatment than other heartworm preventive treatments. It is awkward, confusing and expensive to give pet separate products for the prevention of fleas, ticks, heartworms and other external parasites. Thanks to the revolution that make it easy to protect pet against fleas, ticks along with protection for heartworm disease, Sarcoptic Mange, and ear mites. The nasty bloodsuckers will typically die within 36 hours of the Revolution being applied.
3. Easy to Apply:

To apply this topical solution, you need to remove the cap and ensure tip of the tube is open. Then, part the fur on the back side of pet’s neck, squeeze the tube and drag the entire content directly on the affected area of the skin. And leave it for 2 hours. Never apply on wet or broken skin and never rub content on the skin.
4. Long-term Effect:

Quick and long lasting results make Revolution the most reputed product on the market. The fact is that it will be waterproof after hours of application, so there is no need to worry about your pet going into the water or another place to carry out their normal activities. You just have to take care of your pet for 2 hours after application. Once it dries, your pet gets protection cover from fleas, ticks, heartworms, ear mites, and scabies for a complete month.
5. Safe for Puppies and Kittens:

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It is perfectly safe for puppies of at least six weeks of age or older and kittens eight weeks of age or older. Also, approved to apply on the pregnant and lactating pet.
Your attention helps your pet to be fit and healthy. So, consult a reliable vet today for more information about this powerful topical preventive and keep all the external parasites away from your furry friends.