Treat Five Worms In Your Pets With A Single Preventative September 16, 2016September 16, 2016budgetpetworld One of the most common health problems our pet has is worms. Worms can make your furry pal sick for a many different [...]
Does Heartworm Prevention Treatment Necessary for My Dog? Underrated or Overrated ? August 13, 2016budgetpetworld Most pet parents think that their pet is healthy and will never come across heartworm infection or their pooch has good immunity so [...]
How Advancement in Medical Technology Helped Prevent and Control Heartworms? July 19, 2016March 6, 2018budgetpetworld Since decades, heartworm disease is infecting the animal world and taking a great toil on life of these animals. It was not less [...]
Dog Tested Positive For Heartworms? February 22, 2016June 23, 2016budgetpetworld It is intriguing how an insect of this small a size can be the reason of this big a disease in dogs. Though, [...]
Does My Dog Need Heartworm Prevention All Year Long? January 22, 2016March 8, 2016budgetpetworld This is probably the most common question asked by pet guardians, especially during winter. Heartworms are transmitted by a bite of an infected [...]
How To Manage Your Dog Before And After Adult Heartworm Treatment? December 15, 2015March 8, 2016budgetpetworld Heartworms, also known as Dirofilaria Immitis is a nematode parasite that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworms are only transmitted by mosquitoes and nothing [...]
Introducing Budget Pet World- A Brand New Sphere Of Affordable Pet Care! November 5, 2015May 30, 2017budgetpetworld A big welcome hug to all the pets and their guardians from the team of Budget Pet World! Pets are considered as a [...]